Daycare Temperament Evaluation

A Temperament Evaluation is required to utilize our Daycare services and is free of charge.

What To Expect:  Please plan to stay at Dioji for approximately 20 minutes. During that time we will introduce your dog slowly to the group and give you a tour of the facility.

Free First Day of Play:  Assuming your dog is interacting comfortably in the play yard, you are welcome to leave your pup for the remainder of the day of daycare FREE of charge.  Please plan to leave your dog for a minimum of 2 hours to complete the evaluation.

Daycare Requirements

  • Vaccinations

    Written proof to be provided upon first visit.

    • Rabies (over 4 months of age-Rabies Certificate required)
    • Bordetella
    • Distemper (DHPP)
    • *The Canine Influenza vaccination is recommended but not required.
  • Spayed/Neutered

    All dogs over the age of 7 months must be spayed or neutered.

  • Behavior

    No exhibited aggressive behavior toward other dogs or humans


Book Now!

We have temperament evaluation appointments available daily.  Please book an a appointment and we will contact you to confirm.